Amazon.com: JaJa Pressure Sensitive Stylus - Retail Packaging - Gray: Cell Phones & Accessories話說, 距離英國女王伊麗莎白二世正式加冕為君主已經過去整整65年了.... 當年那場盛況空前的加冕典禮的背後,發生了許許多多鮮為人知的故事.... 最近,BBC拍攝了一部紀錄片,得以讓我們窺見, 關於女王加冕典禮的點滴回憶,以及許多連女王本人都未曾聽說的故事... 這是一次極其少見的,I am revising my formerly optimistic review of the JaJa by Hex3. Previously, I had stated that, although the initial release of the product had some issues that anyone might expect of a brand new technology... That the product ultimately worked pretty wel...