Killer Instinct - Aganos 218 Hit Hexa Ultra Combo Legit (1080p 60fps) - YouTube和平常一樣沒事的中午打開JD找人聊聊天,遇到第一位女孩簡稱麵小妹,那時我們在聊晚餐吃啥陷入苦惱的時候我開玩笑的說:「想不到不然我下麵給你吃」,他居然回:「好啊,去吃你的下面」結果當天晚上一起吃『晚餐』嘍。 ——隔兩天—— 這天是說打就打說幹就幹,那天晚Read below for some notes Believe it or not you can actually do this combo on Glacius. You have to be absolutely FRAME PERFECT on both the shadow rocks and the recapture with the club. This is definitely one of the most fun combo challenges due to the amo...