媽媽不在家 老爸獨自帶小孩,被媽媽抓到「做這種事」老爸不被罰跪算盤才怪!
Hey Joe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲媽媽不在家,老爸到底是怎麼帶寶寶的?!(sourse : youtube) 通常家裡的寶寶都是媽媽在照顧,可是媽媽總有分身乏術的時刻,這時候就該老爸們出場的時候啦!但是這些老爸們的「照顧方法」真的能讓人放心嗎?根據littlethings分享,國外一名老爸就在媽媽外出時獨自在家帶寶"Hey Joe" is an American popular song from the 1960s that has become a rock standard and as such has been performed in many musical styles by hundreds of different artists.[2][3][4] "Hey Joe" tells the story of a man who is on the run and planning to head...