Hey, It's Free!™ • Daily freebies, free stuff, and free samples!廚師說:愛情是一棵洋蔥頭,你一片一片剝下去,總有一片會讓你流淚的。 氣象學家說:愛情不怕黑暗,公園裡越黑暗的角落戀人們越往那兒鑽;愛情不怕熱,氣溫即便40℃,戀人們還要往一塊兒貼;愛情不怕冷,冰天雪地裡戀人們照樣戶外約會。 歷史學家說:原始社會的愛情以生育為圖騰,「你為我生」;Daily freebies, samples, and free stuff along with witty and silly jokes. We also find free coupons, magazine subscriptions, and birthday freebies! ... EDIT: Looks like they only have 28,000 samples and they’re going fast! If you’re a garden or plant love...