刺蝟的幽默 - Marutaro
Hey, It's Free!™ • Daily freebies, free stuff, and free samples! Marutaro,日本超人氣刺蝟,可愛的萌樣讓牠在Twitter上擁有超過47,000名的追隨者,由這些數據來看,不難想像這小傢伙的熱門程度,同時主人每天也很努力為牠紀錄生活狀況。不僅如此,已經夠迷人的牠,再搭配特製的表情符號,破表的俏皮指數,讓人不融化都好難! 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上wwwDaily freebies, samples, and free stuff along with witty and silly jokes. We also find free coupons, magazine subscriptions, and birthday freebies! ... EDIT: Looks like they only have 28,000 samples and they’re going fast! If you’re a garden or plant love...