hibernate criteria order by

Hibernate Criteria examples - Java web development tutorials哈哈哈... Why not Criteria !? The Criteria API do bring some disadvantages. 1. Performance issue You have no way to control the SQL query generated by Hibernate, if the generated query is slow, you are very hard to tune the query, and your database administrator ma...


Criteria (Hibernate JavaDocs) - Dashboard - JBoss.org Documentation哈哈...好像喔 Method Summary Criteria add(Criterion criterion) Add a restriction to constrain the results to be retrieved. Criteria addOrder(Order order) Add an ordering to the result set. Criteria createAlias(String associationPath, String alias) Join an ......


Hibernate Criteria Queries - Tutorials for Emberjs, BackboneJS, KnockoutJS, Assertiveness,.................有點累 Hibernate Criteria Queries - Learn Hibernate 3.x starting from environment setup, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), Query Language, Native SQL, Caching, Interceptors, Persistent Classes, Persistent Objects, Collections, Associations and components, and ......


java - Hibernate Criteria for Dates - Stack Overflow太悲慘了....   In oracle I have dates in format 17-April-2011 19:20:23.707000000 I would like to retrieve all orders for 17-04-2011. SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-YYYY"); String myDate = "17-04-2011"; Date date = formatter.parse(myDate); Crite...


java - Hibernate: Criteria vs. HQL - Stack Overflow天啊....永遠出不完耶 What are the pros and cons of using Criteria or HQL? The Criteria API is a nice object-oriented way to express queries in Hibernate, but sometimes Criteria Queries are more ......


Hibernate Criteria Queries Tutorial and Examples - HowToDoInJava原來是這樣啊....!!!!!!!! Hibernate provides three different ways to retrieve data from database. We have already discussed HQL and native SQL queries. Now we will discuss our third option i.e. Criteria. The Criteria Query API lets you build nested, structured query expressions in...
