多年前他們結為夫妻,現在仍然恩愛地在一起,但已經變成了2個妻子 ……
RUFUS BLAQ -- I love The YO Remix - New Hip Hop Songs 2014 - (New Songs) 2014(Hip Hop) 2014 - YouTub 今天要說的,是這一對住在英國肯特的夫妻... 21年前,剛從英國皇家部隊退役的年輕軍官Stephan Taylor,認識了這個名叫Denise的姑娘, Stephan16歲的時候就離開了學校加入了部隊,曾經參加過海灣戰爭,後來退役之後在英國肯特的一家醫院做(New Songs 2014),(Hip Hop 2014) This song was not created for profit and is not available for purchase anywhere! Credit goes to the notorious Big for the samples use in this music. Rufus Blaq I Love The Yo Remix www.twitter.com/rufusblaq New hip hop songs...