Exo-K - History lyrics | LyricsMode.com - LyricsMode - Lyrics, explanations and meanings for more th 三立八點台劇「金家好媳婦」劇中演員呂雪鳳與江宏恩、張靜之、陳子玄及潘逸安慶元宵,利用拍戲空檔包湯圓。呂雪鳳笑說這組合很詭異,因為是兒子與小三的公開約會,而且連媽媽都在旁邊,讓呂雪鳳不時教訓兒子不要走錯路。而呂雪鳳不愧是人生經歷多,了解許多節慶習俗,在包元宵的過程中竟像連珠炮一樣,解說了「湯圓」與「3 explanations, 1 meaning to History lyrics by Exo-K: [Kai] Listen neukkil su itni / Nae shimjangi ttwi jireul anha / ([Chanyeol] My heart ... Don't have any other meaning besides the one that you guys has already provided. Just wanna say thanks for the g...