「PS大神終於公開把『女網友P成正妹』的6張「傳說中的照片」! 6 只要看完「這張照片」就能顛覆你畢
HKU SPACE - Master of Finance 財務學碩士 - Finance & Investment courses ▲傳說中的照片其之一。(source:weibo,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 根據一名網友@kanahoooo在網路上分享他的PS技術專業照片,很多網友看完都非常吃驚,因為他的技術已經可以到神乎其技的地步,讓好多女生都想排隊給他修圖啊! 「kanahoooo」表示他常常接受網友的邀The outstanding student of Master of Finance, Andrew Yeung, to diversify his knowledge and skills was the key motive for him to opt to study the programme, and to study really hard. “I have an IT background and I want to change my profession and field by ...