【Dappei 服飾穿搭誌】換個風格也換個心情,穿上靴子大玩秋冬搭配樂趣!
HOL Virtual Hogwarts - Entrance Hall 秋冬有三寶:「大衣、圍巾以及靴子」,靴子怎麼穿才好看要技巧 靴子不同於其他鞋款的優點在於及踝或是高筒的設計,皆能延伸腳背與腿部的線條,對於亞洲男女而言,如何利用靴子完成優化身形的搭配更是一門學問。 開始進入秋冬後,長版大衣、圍巾以及靴款單品正是能使穿搭更為亮眼有個性的秋冬三寶,長靴、短靴、中筒靴、Join HOL! HOL is a virtual simulation of a Hogwarts-like wizard school. Your aim is to collect points for yourself and for your house and the best house gets the House Cup at the end of the term. But honestly the real aim is to have fun, to make new frien...