粉絲太熱情招致警方下令紐約門店停售Supreme 與NIKE 聯名版Air Foamposite 1
U2 Home Page: @U2 - U2 News, U2 Lyrics, U2 Photos and more! 幾個小時前,Supreme 通過其Instagram 宣布原計劃將於今天在紐約門店開售的其與NIKE 聯名打造的Air Foamposite 1 將取消售賣,究其原因則是因為粉絲們太過熱情,早早就在門外排起長龍等候,使得紐約警方不得不下令要求Supreme 方面取消今天的售賣活動,以免造成公共安全New U2 Album Info NEW! @U2 Tours "I think this record is just as innovative as Pop, it's just that the thing we're pushing to the forefront is the chemistry of the band playing together, and I think that is why people are referring back to earlier project...