Hold - Idioms by The Free Dictionary - Idioms and phrases 拍電影作為一種藝術創作,其實常會有「意外」,有時候,這種「意外」還能有出人意料的良好效果! 《星際異攻隊》星爵玩球 這段在劇本里並不是這樣寫的,演員當時是真的手滑,還好及時接住。因為這一幕和人物大大咧咧的個性顯得非常貼合,被保留下來 《復仇者聯盟》藍莓 鋼hold (someone or an animal) down 1. Lit. to keep someone, something, or an animal down. The heavy beam held him down, and he could not rise. The owner held down his pet while the vet treated the injured paw. 2. Fig. to prevent someone or something from .....