動畫中的理想父親 有這樣的爸爸好像也不錯
DIY Hair Bands In Every Color原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 動畫世界裡面什麼都很令人嚮往, 就連爸爸這號人物的存在都令人羨慕不已, 父親節的到來, 喵妹要來跟萌友一起分享一下在喵妹心目中, 如果這個人是我爸爸該有多好呢~(持續滿足妄想中) 第一個就是龍貓裡面的爸爸啦! 本身是一間大學裡的考古學教授, 雖然平常在家裡都在忙著撰寫論You are amazing! With an extended family filled with girls and long hair, our holidays will be so much more fun and festive (and frugal) when we use your ideas to make gifts everyone can use! I love that you share such a great source site as well. My only...