DIY Hair Bands In Every Color 圖翻攝自Instagram 喜歡《海賊王》的網友們,想必到這個階段來都對多佛朗明哥不會太陌生,而這隻人氣超高的反派角色,一直以來也被不少專業的Cosplay愛好者模仿著,但想不到連當紅的韓星GD G-Dragon都那麼迷戀他啊.... 前些日子GD在Instagram上發佈了一張照片You are amazing! With an extended family filled with girls and long hair, our holidays will be so much more fun and festive (and frugal) when we use your ideas to make gifts everyone can use! I love that you share such a great source site as well. My only...