holly cow

Holy cow (expression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaExpressions such as "Holy buckets!", "Holy underwear!", etc. also employ a play-on-words, "holy" implying "riddled with holes". Paul Beale (1985), however, in revising Eric Partridge's A Dictionary of Catch Phrases: British and American, from the Sixteent...


Holy Cow: Home  學生問:“老師,為什麼兩點之間的距離直線最短?”老師:“你丟一塊骨頭出去,你說狗是繞個圈去撿還是直接跑過去撿呢?”學生:“當然是直接跑過去撿了!”老師:“連狗都知道的問題你還問?” &nbsHoly Cow: Home...


Holly Cow Mossberg 715T 25 Round Magazines In Stock! -Update Not In Stock - Mossberg 715T - The MossFor the most part of 2013 the Mossberg 715T magazines have been hard to find and over the summer and fall they’ve been almost impossible. In fact they’re so rare right now that there are plenty of a$$holes selling them […]...


Holly Thorn HouseHolly Thorn House is a distinctive Bed and Breakfast establishment that offers warm, comfortable lodging to our guests in the very best in bed and breakfast accommodations. Holly Thorn House is located in central New Jersey in the Whitehouse Station secti...
