holy shit

Holy Shit - YouTube 圖片來源 所以說當見對方父母的時候 講話真的要懂得警慎啊! ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題: 閃媽的一句話 讓我恍然大悟!!! 今天是第一次去閃光家見閃媽   聊著聊著閃媽就問我   「你帶我女兒去過最遠的地方是哪裡」   我想了很久 是基隆?高雄?還是台東? Even More Shit - Duration: 5:38. by penguinz0 371,277 views 5:38 Play next Play now Spiderman 2 Gameplay and Commentary - Duration: 6:43. by penguinz0 395,672 views 6:43 Play next Play now College Hoops Gameplay and Commentary - Duration: 7:44....


Holy Shitters - If we really want to straighten out all this crap we really need to think about shit原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 萌友們在讀書時 對於在學期中突然轉到班上的轉學生 是不是會有種莫名的期待感呢? 萌友說這些話好像在哪聽過 就是在什麼!? 居然有轉學生 風向要轉變了!! 最有魅力的動漫轉學生排行榜(上) 看過啦~不熟的萌友可以去看一下 >> http://acg.ad2ictOur climate is changing. I'm humorously serious about addressing it. I'm convinced my ego is the main culprit. My religion, Holy Shitters, demands I humble myself and celebrate the fact my shit stinks. Become a member of the Church of the Holy Shitters >>...


holy shit - Idioms by The Free Dictionary 翻拍自ENL(下同)       超可愛的主播萌萌偷走許多青春少男的心~~ 但是她竟然再上電視的時候做了這種事,讓少男心碎滿地! 先讓你們看看她的清純美好!恩準備好了嗎?     燈愣!!!她竟素顏上節目!!!!   其...其實....holy shit (rude) what a surprise or how very unpleasant Holy shit! The whole basement is flooded! See also: holy, shit ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for info...


holy shit - Wiktionary - Wiktionary, the free dictionary 圖片來源 最近好像特別流行霸氣大男人 那種霸道貌似會把女人給融化 所以什麼壁咚之類的字眼最近特別紅 我想大概就是這個原因 而網友就在dcard上面PO出他男友的行為 總結10大霸道硬要 ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題: 更新.男友的十大硬要(無西斯) 更新 我知道8個月可能對很多人來說 不算English [edit] Interjection [edit] holy shit! (idiomatic, vulgar, slang) Expression of terror, awe, surprise, astonishment, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term. Holy shit, that car just explode...


Urban Dictionary: holy shit 圖片來源 相信有不少人看過麻雀變鳳凰吧? 還有安海瑟威主演的麻雀變王妃 小資女不小心跟王子走在一塊 然後不習慣上流世界的故事 總是偶像劇歷年完年不敗梗 就有網友PO出自己真實經歷 結果文中卻被網友戳破亮點啦! ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題: 有錢人的世界 小妹26有一閃今年28 家裡極度有1.God's poop 2.An expression yelled at something bad and/or surprising ... "Holy Shit!!!!! Emo has 1,222 definitions! Guess they think everyone's a fucktard and doesn't know what that word means, so they have to come up with more than a thousand definitio...
