General Health and Cellulitis Skin Infection | Covered general health topics (all fields), especiall快要期末考了,老師提醒同學們要努力溫習,志強問老師:「今次期末考的題目難不難?」老師回答說:「十分容易。」同學們聽了都很高興,可是看了題目後 ,大家都哭喪著臉,不會作答。事後志強埋怨老師「老師,你說期末考的題目十分容易,你欺騙我們。」老師回答說:「我沒有欺騙你們,只有十分題目是容易的,其餘九十分題目Today, I’ll write about most unpleasant type of cellulitis skin infection – eye cellulitis. Orbital cellulitis infection (eye, postseptal) can be described as an infection on the tissue and tissues that surround the eyes. It also affects the eye itself an...