chris daughtry home lyrics - YouTube古時候,有一位能征善戰的將軍,非常喜歡古玩。有一天,他在家中把玩他最喜歡的瓷杯。突然一不小心,瓷杯溜了手,好在將軍身手矯健,即時把它接住。不過,他也因此嚇出一身冷汗。將軍心想:「我統領百萬大軍,出生入死,從未害怕過,今天為何只為一個小小的瓷杯就嚇成如此呢!」一剎那間,它開悟了。原來是「被瓷杯操縱」使I'm staring out into the night, Trying to hide the pain. I'm going to the place where love And feeling good don't ever cost a thing. And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain. Well I'm going home, Back to the place where I belong, And where your lo...