honda air blade 125

HONDA(250cc以下) - 六期環保新成員 HONDA Air Blade 125 - 機車討論區 - Mobile01 難怪最近都睡不好.....@@與其在台灣買這種進口的低階車款 什麼AIR BLADE還是LEAD125 花十萬同樣的價錢下 不如選擇國產的TIGRA150 馬力多50% 加速又猛爆 還搭配前後雙碟+ABS 看看HONDA的進口車竟然是後鼓?? 悲劇的動力就不說了 我想內行的的人都知道該選哪台才對...


HONDA(250cc以下) - 關於air blade - 機車討論區 - Mobile01   有可能他只是認錯人了...都白色的嘛...最近看到Honda air blade 125第一眼我就成為了他的俘虜如果換車我一定會想換那台不過... ... 分享活動就有機會獨得喬山飛輪車 自行車手居家訓練夢幻機種!喬山邀您享受飛輪馳騁 ......


LAUNCH: 2013 Honda EX5 Dream 110 (RM3,908 & RM4,145) And 2013 Air Blade (RM7,708)   高譚市恢復和平................Boon Siew Honda, a household name for bikes of all kind has launched the new Air Blade scooter and the timeless classic EX5 Dream 110. The launch event was Boon Siew Honda, a household name for bikes of all kind has launched the new Air Blade scooter and ...


2013 Honda Dream EX5 110 and Airblade 125 FI launched in Malaysia - EX5 110 RM3,908, EX5 (e-starter) 慾火焚身的浩克...................Yes, our insider has given us 100% correct information about the launch of the 2013 Honda EX5 110 and the automatic bike Airblade 125. Let me break the su...
