Honda Genuine DW-1 OR ATF-Z1 - Honda-Tech 文/深夜東八區(ID:traveller2333) 前幾天,《Vogue》美版雜誌公布了超模米蘭達·可兒(Miranda Kerr)的婚紗照,可兒身穿由Dior設計總監設計的復古婚紗,臉上滿是甜蜜的笑容,看起來溫柔又雅致,簡直美到飛起。 &nbI changed the transmission oil to my accord 96 3 month ago. I put honda atf dw-1 and it`s ok... I think is the first time for the transmission only have 58k miles... I was scare for the oil change but thank`s god no problem so far......