真愛是窮人發明概念 他做這件事 從此魯蛇大翻身
Honda Motorcycles: Reviews, Prices, Photos and Videos - Motorcycle.com 麻省理工宅大逆襲 靠愛翻轉人生 打造全球最大「糖戀」帝國 「真愛是窮人發明的概念」說出這話的人是新加坡華裔理工男─ 布蘭登‧韋德(Brandon Wade)。 從害羞到不敢跟心儀的女孩說話,到變成全美最為推崇的「糖戀」戀愛教主;看這位IT男如何白手起家,一手創建糖戀交友帝國─ 甜心有約 Honda Bulldog Concept Revealed Honda presented a new utilitarian-looking concept model called the Bulldog at the 2015 Osaka Motorcycle Show. Built on a 399cc parallel-Twin, the Bulldog was created with the theme “Lovable Touring Partner” in mind. With its...