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2014 Honda CTX700/CTX700D with DCT and ABS Specifications - Honda.com 你能相信首圖中這位「女孩」已經 33 並育有一女嗎?這位來自英國的 Abby Pell,是近來在社群網絡 Instagram 上的話題人物。 今年三十有三的 Abby Pell,在個人 Instagram 帳號上上傳了一張只露出自己六塊肌與六歲女兒的合照,並註解「我有一名六歲女Get news updates on Honda products, including automobiles, motorcycles and power equipment, to information on issues such as environment, safety and technology. ... Model: CTX700 / CTX700D with automatic Dual Clutch Transmission and ABS Engine Type:...