謊言與祕密 性是必要之惡?
The Honda Jazz, A Fuel Efficient Small Car - Honda Australia(優活健康網編輯部/綜合整理) 性本身不是壞事,如果沒有性,人類將會滅亡,儘管如此,性卻經常引起人們不好的聯想,謊言與祕密,很多時候和性有關,不管是孩子對大人、或是大人對孩子,都經常因為性而撒謊,或是保守秘密,就算是那些把孩子的謊言與祕密加以管教的大人,在與性相關的事務上,反而會覺得對孩子說謊或隱瞞Learn about the Honda Jazz, one of Honda's most fuel efficient small cars. With the models amazing versatility and technology, you're fit for an adventure. ... Everything you need on display The 7-inch colour Display Audio unit has all your infotainment n...