Honey Queen - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopediaTVBS歡樂台42頻道《上班這黨事》討論感情是否真會在結婚後變淡,主持人陳建州認為只要遵循「老婆的話永遠是對的」,感情就能保鮮。甄莉則認為小別勝新歡,與老公分隔兩地就能減少吵架機會。李愛綺靠每半年和老公單獨出國,每周餐廳約會一次來維繫甜蜜。何嘉文則認為時間一久,人與人之間的親密感就沒了,認真表示:「Honey Queen makes her first playable appearance in Mario Kart 7, which also marks her handheld game debut as well as her first appearance in the Mario Kart series. [1] In the game, she is an unlockable character and she seems to be quite smaller than she ...