STAYREAL 2015年限定【羊咩咩小鼠】迎春登場! 巨型羊咩咩小鼠特展陪台北民眾超萌過新年 消
Microsoft Case Study: Windows 8 - The Hong Kong Institute of Education Jockey Club Primary School STAYREAL的品牌靈魂人物『小鼠』,每到年節都會大玩COSPLAY,化身百變的生肖小鼠要向消費者拜年。2015年隨著萌文化當道,STAYREAL特別推出羊年限定【羊咩咩小鼠】全系列新作,將『小鼠』換上毛茸茸的外衣,手握毛線棒的超級吸睛可愛模樣,在T恤及帽T上使用別出心裁的壓毛或燙金處理,讓服裝Conceptualized by Professor Ruth Hayhoe, former Director of The Hong Kong Institute of Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education Jockey Club Primary School was established to carry out innovative education practices and provide students with a quali...