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Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 世足開踢囉~熱愛足球比賽的大夥們,是不是也跟我一樣半夜一邊加班一邊死守著電視機。當然時尚圈也是一刻不得閒,時尚品牌為了展現自己的時尚力和愛國精神,從各國家代表隊前後抵達巴西機場的那一刻就可以看得出來。義大利品牌 D&G 為義大利國家隊運動選手所設計的三件The Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal (Chinese: 港澳碼頭) is a ferry terminal and heliport, centrally located in Hong Kong. It is also known as the Macau Ferry Terminal, the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Pier or the Shun Tak Heliport, and has an ICAO code of VHSS. ......