Horace Greeley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 一直以為, 不論任何時候,自己都能以微笑面對, 不論任何風雨,都能保持著那份從容。 可是,我錯了, 我不敢相信自己真的會為一個人如此動心, 不能承認竟會為了一個人甘享夜的淒清。 這一次我真的拿得起放不下, 這一次我真的裝不出哪怕是勉強的笑容。 每個人都有這樣的經歷吧,躺Horace Greeley (February 3, 1811 – November 29, 1872) was an American newspaper editor, a founder of the Liberal Republican Party, a reformer, a politician, and an outspoken opponent of slavery. The New York Tribune (which he founded and edited) was the m...