hot mess selena

Hot Mess: Mariah Carey's New Song "Infinity" | Gossip Girl孝順的孫子撿到了一個神燈,終於可以治好爺爺的病了..... Do we all need to hold a funeral for Mariah's voice? You'll never believe how Mariah Carey sounds now... ... Spring cleaning is upon us, darlings, and while you’re having your staff put all your cashmere into storage, perhaps you’re finding yourself clean...


Iggy Azalea's "Work" Hot Pants vs. Selena Gomez's "Slow Down" Sexy Blazer - Glam or Sham? - YouTube請多練練再來吧冏 In this episode of Glam or Sham, Fuse host Katie Van Buren we find out if people prefer Iggy Azalea's hot pants in "Work" music video or Selena Gomez's sexy blazer in "Slow Down." Subscribe to the Fuse YouTube channel: Glam or Sham t...


Honey, No -- This is Not Cute, This is "Hot Mess" |^_^ Bobbi Kristina Brown -- this is awful. This is terrible. This is flat-out something we can't even say on this website, but it starts with an "s" and ends with a "t," and it smells a lot like defecation. This look is pretty frigging bad, girlfriend, and…...
