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hot - definition of hot by The Free Dictionary 菲董曾在公開場合多次著用,旗下Bee Line x Timberland 的全紅神靴,相信大家都印象深刻,未曾販售的此雙鞋款,也透過菲董 i am OTHER的官方ebay拍賣帳號販售,目前已經標到美金1,325元,可見菲董的超高人氣。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUhot (hŏt) adj. hot·ter, hot·test 1. a. Having or giving off heat; capable of burning. b. Being at a high temperature. 2. Being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable: a hot forehead. 3. Causing a burning sensation, as in th...