Hotel California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 妳同意嗎?日本調查:女性9種行為表示愛上了他日本調查:女性9種行為顯示其已經完全愛上你友達以上戀人未滿的曖昧關係的時候,女性對異性最不設防,因為不知不覺她已經愛上了你,如果看出她是否有所傾心,其中有一些固定的信號,就這個問題,日本某戀愛網站對女性進行了問卷調查,一起來看一下吧。♥坦誠"Hotel California" is the title track from the Eagles' album of the same name and was released as a single in February 1977. It is one of the best-known songs of the album-oriented rock era. Writing credits for the song are shared by Don Felder, Don Henle...