Eagles - Hotel California Lyrics Meaning - Lyric Interpretations.com :: What does that song mean?有對兄弟都是基層員警哥哥已經畢業幾年了弟弟則是剛從警校畢業的新警察有一天他們兄弟倆突發奇想玩起熱氣球,於是他們就飛上天啦,可是上了天以後才發現,他們不知道怎麼降落,氣球就一直飛,飛到一個大草原。兄弟在氣球上看到下面有一個人正好經過,哥哥就在氣球上大喊「下面的人呀,我們現在在哪裡?」那人於是回答:「上What does Eagles's song Hotel California mean? We have the answer. ... I think that this song simply refers to Hell, and a man's account of how he got there and what it was like. The song starts out by telling how he dies...car wreck, something like that....