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Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill + lyrics - YouTube 你在晚會上看到一個漂亮的女生。你走到她面前,說:“我很有錢,嫁給我吧。”遭白眼。 ——直銷。 你在晚會上看到一個漂亮的女生。你打聽到她的電話號碼。第二天,你打電話給她,說:“餵,你好。我昨晚在舞會上看到了你。我很有錢,嫁給我吧!&rdquLyrics: Climbing up on Solsbury Hill I could see the city light Wind was blowing, time stood still Eagle flew out of the night He was something to observe Came in close, I heard a voice Standing stretching every nerve I had to listen had no choice I did n...


New Kid in Town - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     其實 . . . . . . ↓↓↓是這樣↓↓↓  "New Kid in Town", written by Don Henley, Glenn Frey and J.D. Souther, is a song by the Eagles, from their 1976 album Hotel California. Released as the first single from the album, the song became a No. 1 hit in the USA, and No. 20 in the UK. The single v...


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