Concorde Montparnasse hotel - Paris hotel reservation - Montparnasse (取自薔薔臉書) 從「我愛黑澀會」出道的辣模「薔薔」,上月底參加美國舊金山同志大遊行,行為奔放,上半身只用兩片「小彩虹」擋住胸部,不吝嗇露出好身材,還在臉書打卡上傳照片,在一群同志中相當顯眼。 原圖請點臉書 美國最高法院日前通過同性伴侶婚姻合法,讓每年6月舉行的同志大遊行在這次氣氛更為熱烈! 「薔Find on its official website all information for the Concorde Montparnasse hotel, member of Concorde Hotels & Resorts group. Booking online. ... Your stay in a modern Paris hotel Built in 2004, the Hotel Concorde Montparnasse is part of a one of a kind .....