Official Website | Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka 圖翻攝自youtube 國外的youtube玩家總是會在網路上分享許多搞笑的影片,其中以「惡作劇類型」的影片最能引發熱烈迴響!然而一名女子為了記錄下這惡整的片段,竟然想出一個超誇張的方法來整男友,當場讓男友都差點吐出來了.... 她先是在男友打電動時一直煩他~ 接著再換上「戰袍」坐在男Conveniently located in Namba, central Osaka, Hotel Monterey Grasmere Osaka is a modern hotel that held its grand opening back in the summer of 2009. There are many popular areas within walking distance of the hotel, which is also directly connected to Na...