how are you

Bless You Boys, a Detroit Tigers community 圖片轉自instagram下同 最近運動風潮越來越盛行,而另外一種風潮也逐漸開始流行起來了 就是女生除了靠運動來雕塑自己的身材線條之外 貌似現在大家都很傾向於把自己的膚色曬成小麥或者古銅這種健康的膚色 而小編在逛IG的時候看到了這一位讓我截圖截到手軟的正妹! 那經過運動還造就的身材線條跟屁股蛋讓人In order to provide our users with a better overall experience, we ask for more information from Facebook when using it to login so that we can learn more about our audience and provide you with the best possible experience. We do not store specific user ...


your homebased mom - Leigh Anne Wilkes 相信對許多被腐拉拔長大的少女(簡稱腐女)(欸)來說,有些日本動畫雖然不是BL作,但在動畫中總會出現不少讓人引發遐想的「基情畫面」,讓人不想歪也很難!日本網友最近在推特,以「和*《Free!》相比也很腐的日本動畫場景」為題,上傳了許多讓人腐花朵朵開的基情瞬間(或是借位),快來看看你是不是也想歪了吧~Nothing beats a good buttermilk biscuit. This one’s got the perfect taste and texture. There are so many things to love about a good buttermilk biscuit. First, they are easy to make. They don’t need to rise like a yeast roll, so you can have them ready wi...


Do You Speak American | PBS - PBS: Public Broadcasting Service 圖片轉自大大臉書下同 當年2008年魏德聖導演所拍攝的《海角七號》用了有史以來國片最高預算「5千多萬」來拍攝 但也獲得了空前的成功,將當時一片低糜的國片市場推至了最高峰! 9年後的今天,魏導再次以音樂愛情為主題,準備在2017年推出新片《52Hz,I love you》 並找來了當年《海角七號》的Thirteen/WNET New York's Do You Speak American? - featuring celebrated journalist and writer Robert MacNeil in his first public television documentary since 1995 - is a celebration of Americans as seen - and heard - through the way we speak....


True To You | A Morrissey Zine草根影響力新視野 圖文:第五德嘉 御姊愛:「愛了那麼久,能不能讓我們好好說分手?」 《只是不想將就在一起》.寫樂文化出版 幾天前,在研究人類網路上癮而產生人格異變時,才剛看完《網路讓我們變笨?》這本絕版好書,沒想到,這本書的翻譯者王年愷,卻在2016年10月16日,因為散佈與前女友的性愛影片而上報。The True To You magazine and website are dedicated to Morrissey. In celebration of this great artist, True To You publishes news and information relating to Morrissey and his work; details about his autobiography, albums, singles, and videos; experiences ...


Design You Trust. Design, Culture & Society. 左圖轉自fahmee76、右圖截自dcard下同 在愛情這條路上,許許多多的人都曾受傷跌倒過 或許大多數的傷痕站起來拍拍兩下就過去了 但是有些傷害是會烙印在身上一輩子的... 而在dcard上有位網友PO文 說他拒絕了從小交換日記的青梅竹馬 從小認識到大而她也喜歡他...但是她卻拒絕了她的告白..Design You Trust is a hourly updated collective design blog full of design portfolios, photos, creative advertisements, architectural inspirations and videos. ... These Storm Troopers might’ve finally found the droids they’re looking for—but instead of a ...


travel guide - your worldwide travel guide - tripwolf 女生的一些穿搭或「時尚」裝扮,很多男生看不懂或者不喜歡,但很多時候,他們不敢或者不願意在他們女友/老婆面前提起。Bright Side列出了10個最容易引起這個問題的女生穿搭,男生女生都應該看看。   # 綁腿或是袋鼠褲:男生其實不介意女生穿長褲,但會有一些...很特別設計的長褲他們不喜tripwolf - your travel guide tripwolf is a travel guide and a travel community – all in one! On tripwolf you will find the contents of professional travel reports from renowned travel guides like Marco Polo and Footprint combined with up-to-date travel ti...
