水管爆裂正妹濕身!! 最後...終於用「棒子」堵住了…
Bless You Boys, a Detroit Tigers community 一人住在外面也遇到過許多狀況...比如家裡斷電啦......馬桶堵住啦...像是水管爆掉以前也有過...全身被濕透的感覺到現在都還記得!!!有一位女網友sky7278471也遇到了和我一樣的狀況...不過她的經歷比較跌宕起伏就是了XD...還好還好...最後還是找到了合適的「棒子」來堵啦~~...In order to provide our users with a better overall experience, we ask for more information from Facebook when using it to login so that we can learn more about our audience and provide you with the best possible experience. We do not store specific user ...