General Height Height - How tall ▲太扯!(source:卡提諾論壇,下同) 大家好,吉編又來了! 根據卡提諾論壇文章分享,最近有網友在英國貝賓頓(Bebington)的高爾夫球場,拍下一名行徑詭異的男子。他突然脫下上衣,褲子也脫了一半,沒想到接下來…… 走過去跟「高爾夫球洞184.3cm (Night) says on 10/Jul/15 @BigMan Well its hard since we dont know how tall those girls are but i would guess your at least 6'6 more likely 6'7. @Triplescrew - That is a very accurate chart but still with women you still have many who are 5'3-5'4 ...