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How to Be a Woman: Caitlin Moran: 9780062124296: Books磨合比契合更重要◎沈政男 情侶分手,夫妻離婚,經常歸咎於個性不合——「阿公欲煮鹹,阿嬤欲煮淡,兩個相打弄破鼎」。問題是交往當初,妳難道不知道他口味重,吃炒飯得要加辣醬,而妳,最好是白吐司配白開水嗎? 情投意合的時候,對方的怪僻是有個性,結婚以後,化學作用消失、現實壓力一來,就“There are lots of things to love about Caitlin Moran’s How to Be a Woman ….A glorious, timely stand against sexism so ingrained we barely even notice it. It is, in the dour language [Moran] militates so brilliantly against, a book that needed to be writt...


Good Girls Don't Get Fat: How Weight Obsession Is Messing Up Our Girls and How We Can Help Them Thri網路交友,先友後愛 文/Zen大   最近幾年,身旁越來越多朋友,透過網路,認識了另一半,進而締結連理,成為夫妻。 網路交友,之所以能夠成為出社會之後,工作忙碌、生活動線與交友圈固定的人,邂逅人生伴侶的最佳場所。很重要的一點,是網路能讓單身男女「先友後愛」,認識全世界單身異性的平台。 &nIn this straightforward guide, Silverman explores weight obsession in teenage girls, outlining ways that parents can help their daughters succeed in a "thin-is-in" world. Silverman had previously compiled "The Good Girls' Weight Rules" list of negative be...


Dai Manuel: The Moose is Loose - Dai Manuel's blog about how to live a functionally fit life 很多事情,不能光看表面,因為表面很可能是裝出來的。有些女人也一樣,喜歡裝,而且越脆弱殘缺的地方,越喜歡裝,並且裝得像模像樣,讓人表面看了心花怒放十分滿意。這方面的例子太多太多,不用想太多,腦子都能翻出一串串典型來。 現在我要說說我的女友。 我跟她是在相親網上認識的。看照片,挺好看;看性格,挺和藹;Dai Manuel's blog encompasses his life as a dad, husband, pro blogger, brand architect, motivational speaker, CrossFit Coach, athlete and soon to be author ... Rolling and self-massage are key for your overall wellness, mobility and function. The last thi...


Housewife How-To's® » Do home better. 媳婦重要還是媽重要?終於有答案了!  老公是該聽老媽的還是聽老婆的?看看吧!很有道理! 你孝順你媽是應該的,但是你更應該愛你老婆,當發生家庭矛盾時,想清楚再發言:   1,你是你媽生的,所以你媽對你好是天經地義的。老婆是你老丈母娘生的,你老婆對你好可不是理所當然的。  How to clean, cook, get organized, do laundry and save money without losing your mind. ... This blog exists to help you, and to help support my family. It does contain affiliate links. I'm honest with my opinions in my reviews because that's how I roll....


Drawing/Sketching - How to Draw – For Beginner to Advanced Artists 在眾多人格缺陷中,有三種最容易使人蛻變成為家庭暴力的施暴者:   偏執型人格:敏感多疑,心胸狹窄,傲慢妒嫉,看問題主觀片面,同時自我估計過高。 對於挫折和失敗,從不反省自己的缺點與過失,而總是歸咎於別人有意與他作對所致。   暴髮型人格:這種人情緒極不穩定,易激惹,好爭吵,常為Everything you need to learn how to draw. Get drawing tutorials for beginner to advanced artists, tips and techniques. ... Best Free Android Drawing Art Apps Even though free Android apps don't cost you any actual money, nobody wants to waste time and ......


How Not to Dress Like A Mom前有名女子因為筆電壞了,拿去送修卻忘了裡面有兩年前拍的裸照 而陳姓維修員發現裸照後,竟要價50萬而且還須每週跟他上床三次 女子一下之下報警處理,陳姓維修員辯稱『他這麼愛裸一定很色,我只是想滿足他』 ↑示意圖   ps:感覺修筆電可以看裸照又可以賺錢!又可以.........嘿嘿This was a sleeper hit for me. Usually an eyeliner is an eyeliner, but this gel-based one is super soft so I've been using it for tightlining (where you line the waterline of your eye). And seriously, once it's on it doesn't budge until you use soap, so i...
