How to Be a Woman: Caitlin Moran: 9780062124296: Amazon.com: Books磨合比契合更重要◎沈政男 情侶分手,夫妻離婚,經常歸咎於個性不合——「阿公欲煮鹹,阿嬤欲煮淡,兩個相打弄破鼎」。問題是交往當初,妳難道不知道他口味重,吃炒飯得要加辣醬,而妳,最好是白吐司配白開水嗎? 情投意合的時候,對方的怪僻是有個性,結婚以後,化學作用消失、現實壓力一來,就“There are lots of things to love about Caitlin Moran’s How to Be a Woman ….A glorious, timely stand against sexism so ingrained we barely even notice it. It is, in the dour language [Moran] militates so brilliantly against, a book that needed to be writt...