How to remove sshnas.dll or sshnas21.dll trojan (Remove trojan FakeAlert) | My Anti Spyware (圖片翻攝自今日頭條) 有一個叫Jack Andraka的少年,13歲的時候,因為在學校向喜歡的男生告白,被大家知道了他是同性戀,於是開始遭到同學的霸凌,以至於他經常要躲在廁所邊哭邊吃午餐,雪上加霜的是,那一年他最親密的叔叔也因為胰臟癌過世,讓他深受打擊,一度拿著折斷的鉛筆插入自己的肚子,試圖自殺sshnas.dll is a component of trojan FakeAlert. Follow the guidelines to remove sshnas.dll and other components of trojan FakeAlert. ... Make sure the “Perform quick scan” option is selected and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer...