Android 101: How To Scan / Use a QR Code - YouTube 自從「小三」這個名詞出現之後,已經完全成為了感情當中第三者的「通稱」,同時也因為這個名稱的出現,怎麼突然之間,好像所有的感情問題都跟「小三」脫離不了關係,無論是新聞、報紙、生活,都是「小三」的介入而毀掉一段感情,這也讓大家發現,原來感情出問題最主要的原因就是在這。 面對親友的感情中出So maybe you've seen one of these square barcodes that have a bunch of dots in them somewhere and wondered, "What the hell is that mess?" Well, that mess is called a QR code, which stands for Quick Reference Code. A QR code is basically a barcode like you...