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How to start a blog - start blogging - frugal entrepreneur 大家知道日本「惠方卷」的習俗嗎?這是大阪一種特色壽司,內卷腌葫蘆條、黃瓜、雞蛋卷、鰻魚、肉鬆、椎茸等七種食材,代表著「七福神」。在節分日食用,象徵著把福氣捲起來吃掉,有去災避邪、祝願生意興旺的功用。因此也有「招福卷」、「幸運卷」、「開運卷」、「丸齧り壽司」等名稱,在便利商店或超市都可以買到。 「惠How to start a blog - Blogging step by step guide - Small business tips & resources for the frugal entrepreneur. Free business documents and templates, cost savings tips, business articles. ... Kalanick's Enthusiasm is Infectious. The founder of the rides...


How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love | WIRED在這個社交軟體氾濫的社會,出軌早已不再是男生的專利,你也別把心中的女神想的太過完美,搞不好你的女神就出軌了,你還被蒙在鼓裡。今天小編教你一些如何分別女生有沒有出軌的方法,大家火速對照著來看一下:一、她和你聊天的側重點不再更多傾向你,而是她自己的生活甚至是她朋友的生活。二、她開始更多關注別人對你們情感Mathematician Chris McKinlay hacked OKCupid to find the woman of his dreams. ... After a month of dating equally from both of his profiles, he decided he was spending too much time on the freeway reaching east-side women from the tattoo cluster....


Pando: The moment I learned just how far Uber will go to silence journalists and attack women   一年一度的白色情人節來了,要送什麼禮物一直都是個難題,送太便宜感覺不夠有誠意,太貴又怕對方產生壓力,而許多人的問題都在於不曉得對方喜不喜歡自己挑的禮物。今天編輯提供幾個不必花大錢,但又能讓他/她感受到滿滿愛意的贈禮選擇,看完本篇後,別再說情人節沒靈感囉。 ▼僅限於你的另一半喜歡驚喜和A big debate among the Pando staff for the past two years has been over just how morally bankrupt Uber is. Earlier this evening, a bombshell story by Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith proves the reality is way worse than anyone on our team could have exp...


Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, Nir Eyal, Ryan Hoover - 正能量!截肢男童跳最催淚的《小蘋果》 看到他手舞足蹈充滿活力的模樣!真的讓人覺得很感動~ 看過之後 還會抱怨生活嗎? 這則新聞需要您的關心,花一分鐘看完它… 以後可能會救了家人親友一命…▼ 3歲男孩沒了命,只因吃了這個東西后…媽媽餵他喝了「水」&helli"Hooked gives you the blueprint for the next generation of products. Read Hooked or the company that replaces you will." - Matt Mullenweg, Founder, WordPress "Nir's work is an essential crib sheet for any startup looking to understand user psychology." - ...


Sidewalk Labs, a Start-Up Created by Google, Has Bold Aims to Improve City Living - The New York Tim  求大神幫忙P張瞬間能火的那種     Google’s ambitions and investments have increasingly broadened beyond its digital origins in Internet search and online advertising into the arena of physical objects: self-driving cars, Internet-connected eyeglasses, smart thermostats and a biotech ventu...
