Robotics Institute: Howie Choset 網友回覆: (1)你一個月薪水多少呢? 給八千? 我公司薪轉的 月初發薪全給我老婆 你給八千? 八千我一個月油錢就沒了! 虧你還說的出口! 你怎麼不自己留八千 其他給你老婆? (2)8000,你以為是80萬嗎? 請一個保母少說要2萬, 請家事達人清潔房子一層最少也要個6千! 一個禮拜一The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University was established in 1979 to conduct basic and applied research in robotics technologies relevant to industrial and societal tasks. ... Research Interests My goal has been, and remains, to bring the preci...