一起來惡搞 ZARA推出「驚喜」T恤
HP ALM 12.01 Launch – Fresh out of the Oven - HP Enterprise Business Community S…U…P…,如果你可能也一頭霧水,不是仿冒,這是ZARA的正貨。西班牙國民品牌ZARA,日前推出一款女性「驚喜」T恤,仿照美國街頭大廠Supreme的白字紅框,十分具有誤導效果,而且只需美金15.90元(約台幣480元)即可入手。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSWe have completed the migration of all boards within the Printing and Digital Imaging, Desktops and Workstations, and Mobile categories to the HP Support Forums. Please see this post for full details on the migration, and how to get to your content....