2017。日本 Wonder Festival 模型展,大量又美又萌Coser出沒………(內有大量圖
Judy Sheindlin - Forbes原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:Audrina 昨天在幕張舉辦了一年一度的日本【Wonder Festival 模型展】 每年總會吸引大批朝聖的民眾 還有就是大量大量大量的Coser~展現他們歷時數月製成的服裝 就是要一次秀出來啦~!!!!所以今天這篇有大量的coser照照喔…看到的萌友真的賺Judy Sheindlin, or Judge Judy as her fans like to call her, has been an on-air presenter dealing out doses of legal advice for 19 seasons. On average, about 10 million people tune in to watch her program daily. While she has been nominated for a daytime E...