Meg Whitman | HP Next - HP® Official Site | Laptop Computers, Desktops, Printers, Serv (source:Dcard) 男女之間,總是少不了曖昧卻又讓人受盡委屈。大部分的女孩子都會希望男孩先告白,但是偏偏遇到拖很久的男生到底該如何是好呢? Dcard有名女生上網PO文,分享她和學弟長期曖昧後來終於修成正果的故事。 中間過程經過了重重波折,她好不容易逼得學弟不得不告白,又因Meg Whitman has served as HP’s President and Chief Executive Officer since September 2011. ... Ms. Whitman has served as HP’s President and Chief Executive Officer since September 2011. She has also served as a member of the HP Board of Directors since .....