男人在外面那點事兒,我明白,絕對能給你做的很到位。但寶貝,女人做的...... 真切的希望你能看完)
Executive Team: CEO email | HP® Official Site 男人在外面那點事兒,我明白,絕對能給你做的很到位。但寶貝,女人做的到位,是她懂事兒,不是該你的 我希望你能把熱戀期的激情完好地保存 電話,短信,不一定每天都要有, 但是要在心裡想念我。 你不一定要多麼完美。但是, &nbsSend an email to HP's CEO, Meg Whitman, with ideas or suggestions on how Hewlett-Packard can serve you better. ... If you have any comments on how Hewlett-Packard can serve you better, please e-mail them to me by using the form on this page. If you need ....