靠著 Photoshop 這25個單身男孩得到了火辣女友
List of acquisitions by Hewlett-Packard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia「I Have a Dream!」這句話變成了單身宅男心內的強烈吶喊,也許你和他們一樣,時常在電腦前看著火辣女星的照片,同時無限幻想著跟她們交往的興奮情節,但大多數人只是在心裡面想想,沒想到這 25 位男生還想讓「夢想成真」,用 Photoshop 來合成了一系列親密照,讓自己作為紀念,並Hewlett-Packard, commonly referred to as HP, is an information technology corporation based in Palo Alto, California. The company was founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in a small garage on January 1, 1939.[1] As of 2012, HP is the largest technolog...