Windows XP Drivers For HP Compaq Presario V3000 | Laptop / Notebook Computers 女人知道世上無完美之人,嫁得再好也會有不如意,就圖個愛的人,有個溫暖的家。女人更知道離婚對自己不划算,有短暫婚史的男人可以娶到未婚女人,而失婚女人的再婚條件則會大打折扣。很多女人婚後儘管意識到嫁錯了人,若不是極度失望,為了孩子也不會輕易離婚……然而,男人的六種行為會讓女The Presario v3000 Configurable with the Intel Centrino Duo mobile processor or AMD Turion 64 X2 mobile processors and 1GB of dual channel DDR2 RAM.Available with Intel ... i have Compaq Presario v3000 notebook.i have not find any driver for the LAN ......