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Unable to scan with HP Officejet 6500 Wireless E709n - HP Support Forum - 1476979「海市蜃樓」這種大氣光學現象,一般出現在大海和沙漠,但大陸有網友在市區拍得「海市蜃樓」。浙江金華有民眾稱在星期六下午,在市區拍下「海市蜃樓」。這張照片下午5時29分拍攝,當時上空烏雲密布,開始下起雨。 (source: toutiao.com)本文圖片皆出自同處。 根據今日頭條的報導,目擊者陳帥在遛Thanks for your help. I still cannot scan. My computer is an HP Pavilion a6342p. With a Vista 32 bit operating system. I was able to do the first part of your instructions regarding the WIA. In the second part of your instructions, you say to type service...
