將屍體視為神的禮物,印度脫序「食人族」酗酒 吸毒 吃人肉樣樣來!
Officejet j4580 for windows 7. - HP Support Forum - 172186 遠在印度北部恆河一帶,充滿神秘詭異氣息的印度教支派之一Aghori cannibals竟是傳說中貨真價實的「食人族」!篤信濕婆神的他們,深信濕婆神創造一切,生活不但酗酒、吸毒毫無顧忌,就連屍體人肉都視為來自神的禮物。 愛爾蘭記者梅森(Darragh Mason)曾經為了採訪冒著生命危險與這群AghHi, Trying to install the drivers for HP Officejet J4580. Only the basic works. The full one does not work. At the end of the installation it stuck. I can print from application. but all the HP solution program does not work. So i can scan for example. an...