2016年冬季天氣時好時壞的CWT44 DAY1 蘿莉萌萌迎寒冬ε٩ ๑> ₃
HP PSC 1400 All-in-One series - HP® Official Site | Laptop Computers, Desktops, Printers, Serv原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 第44屆Comic Would Taiwan(簡稱CWT)在今天隆重開始 這一天難得咲櫻很早的在10點就來到了台大會場 一到會場天空就下起了毛毛細雨(是誰說咲櫻是雨神的出來 不過沒過多久天空就放晴了真是可喜可賀 COSER們也像雨後春筍的出現了 不知道來到會場的萌友們跟If you have problems during setup, see Troubleshooting in the last section of the Setup Guide, the Troubleshooting section in the User Guide, or visit www.hp.com/ support. HP Image Zone Help The HP Image Zone Help provides detailed information on using th...